Ademreis naar India 2025 - voorjaar - De energie van Babaji' - Ashram in Haidakhan


India Reis Maart 2025 -

Spiritual Retreat India - Breathe the energy of Babaji

2nd till 20th March  2025 – hosted by Geert De Vleminck and Vanessa Dietzel

Vertrek 1 maart 2025 - terugkomst 20 maart 2025


  • Heenvlucht: Vertrek Brussel op 1/03/2025 met British Airways om 14:45 - aankomst Delhi om 8:45 op 02/10/2025
  • Terugvlucht: Vertrek Delhi op 20/03/2025 met British Airways om 10:50 - aankomst Brussel om 19:35

Is this retreat for you?

  • Are you curious about yourself and feel a desire to grow?
  • Do you want to explore your spiritual side in an environment where this is totally natural?
  • Are you looking for renewal or change in your personal or professional life?
  • Or do you simply feel drawn to this retreat and are open to experience whatever it can offer to you?

If any of these strike a chord, then follow your heart and join us on this journey. New discoveries and treasures await – outer and inner!



  • 2nd March: Arrival in Delhi and gathering of the group, connection, diner together
  • 3rd March: Delhi – sightseeing with visit Lotus Temple, shopping Indian Style
  • 4th March: Travel Delhi to Chiliyanaula
  • 4th till 12th of March: Stay at Chiliyanaula Ayurvedic hospital – Panchakarma – cleansing of the body, daily treatments, yoga, breathwork sessions
  • 12th March: Taxi from Chiliyanaula to Haidakhan (Ashram Babaji)
  • 12th till 19th March: Stay at Haidakhan Ashram, Holi – “Experience life in the Babaji Ashram” – climb of local Mount Kailash (local conditions permitting)
  • 19th March: Travel Haidakhan to Delhi – night in Delhi Hotel
  • 20th March: Departure back home from Delhi



  • 2400 euro per person
  • Non-refundable deposit of 200 euro to be paid to confirm your place on this retreat
  • Full amount to be paid by 31st January 2025 – Check with Vanessa or Geert for payments details
  • Places are limited, please book as early as possible to secure your spot and avoid additional costs.
  • Booking after 31st January 2025 will incur an additional fee of 250 euro.



  • All accommodation in India (Delhi and Chiliyanaula based on a shared double bedroom , Haidakhan Ashram might include dormitory style accommodation)
  • All travel in India (Train, Taxi)
  • Panchakarma treatments Chiliyanaula Ayurvedic Hospital (massages, steam, etc customized for you by an Ayurvedic doctor, 2 x day)
  • 3 meals per day in Chiliyanaula Ayurvedic Hospital
  • Daily yoga and meditation sessions in Chiliyanaula Ayurvedic Hospital (morning and evening)
  • 2 meals per day in Haidakhan Ashram
  • Assistance and Breathwork Program by Geert and Vanessa (English,Dutch and German)
  • Visit Lotus Temple Delhi
  • Zoom call gathering with all participants – January 2025

Not included:

  • Flights to and from Delhi 
    • Heenvlucht: Vertrek Brussel op 1/03/2025 met British Airways om 14:45 - aankomst Delhi om 8:45 op 02/10/2025
    • Terugvlucht: Vertrek Delhi op 20/03/2025 met British Airways om 10:50 - aankomst Brussel om 19:35
  • Meals in Delhi
  • Breakfast in Haidakhan Ashram (available at Ashram chai shops at very low cost)
  • Tourist visa India (mandatory)
  • Travel insurance (mandatory) – disclaimer to be signed
  • Personal expenses
  • Tips (gratuities)


More info about Chiliyanaula Ayurvedic Hospital:

More info about Babaji Ashram Haidakhan:



About the retreat

We gather in Delhi for some sightseeing and getting ready for our stay in the Himalayan foothills.

7 days of traditional Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments follow at Chiliyanaula Ayurvedic Hospital, inviting you to relax and rejuvenate. The Hospital is affiliated with the Haidakhan Bababji Temple and Ashram in Ranikhet at almost 2000m above sea level. Daily treatments, yoga and meditation, nourishing food and stunning views of the snow covered Himalayan peaks (weather dependent) optimally prepare us for our stay at Haidakhan Ashram.

Haidakhan is located in a remote part of the Himalayan foothills on the banks of the river Gautami Ganga. On the surface, Haidakhan is a very simple place. Much time is spent outdoors as life revolves around the stunning riverbed and steep hills rising from it. The facilities are very basic and invite us to look beyond what our eyes can see and watch more deeply from within our hearts. Like veils lifting, we can then experience the magic of this place: the home of Shri Babaji, in Hindu mythology an incarnation of Sambasadashiva, the aspect of Shiva which is always in union with the Divine Mother.

The sense of grace and peace in Haidakhan is so tangible you can almost touch them. This energy is a huge accelerator for connecting deeply with who we really are and stepping out of habitual thought, behaviour and physical patterns into more presence, choice and open energy flow.

Our stay in Haidakhan includes the celebration of Holi (14th/15th March). Holi is the playful, exuberant festival with which Hindus celebrate spring, love and new life, the triumph of good over evil It's a colourful festival, with dancing, singing and throwing of powder paint and coloured water.


Babaji’s message: ‘Truth, Simplicity and Love’

When Babaji was in a physical body, his teaching was ‘Truth, Simplicity, Love’. He also emphasised ‘Service to humanity’ and encouraged everyone to follow the religion of their heart, but never to place religion (or any dogma) above humanity.

Every part of this trip has been carefully chosen to support our exploration of these teachings and help receive the valuable gifts they can offer to each one of us. For example, during our travels, we will stay in Indian middle class hotels rather than exclusive five star properties for foreigners and the wealthy. Growth happens when we leave our comfort zone and while you might feel challenged at times, you will be in very safe hands.


Transformational retreat sessions with Vanessa and Geert

We will have structured retreat sessions during the entire stay in India while also giving you space to follow your own journey. There is an optional check in each day in case you would like to connect with the group. We will tailor the facilitated retreat sessions to the needs of the participants, drawing from a rich repertoire of healing and transformational modalities, including breathwork, constellation, circle work, guided meditations and creative work.


About the facilitators:

Geert and Vanessa share a passion for breathwork and devotion to Babaji. They have been working together for some years on the Executive Team of the International Breathwork Foundation to nurture and grow the global community of breathworkers and lovers of the breath, and are now collaborating to offer this unique retreat in India.

Vanessa Dietzel:

Vanessa is passionate about stoking our inner soul fire as compass and fuel for healing, personal development and living sustainable, fulfilling lives. She has trained in many personal and group modalities, and works as a leadership coach and breathwork therapist with individuals, organisations and groups. Initially very reluctant about any spiritual traditions, Vanessa has been on numerous trips to India and Haidakhan Ashram since 2011 and has served as a Pujarini to conduct devotional practices of this tradition.

Dedicated to living with soul-led mind-heart-body wisdom and courageously meeting what gets in the way of that herself, Vanessa offers a space for diving deep and expanding in our innate wisdom, power and love. Originally from Germany, she has lived and worked on four continents and is based in British seaside town Margate.



Geert De Vleminck:

He had his first rebirthing breathwork session in 1999. Since 2017 he is a fulltime breathwork practitioner and trainer and is owner of the Joy of Life Breathwork Center in Belgium, an International Accredited School for Breathwork Training. He visited India 2 times and stayed in the Ashram during Navaratri in 2018. Besides rebirthing breathwork he also practices constellations, energetic healing and he coaches people to live their life with their full potential from the heart, aligned to who they really are. From love, truth, simplicity, service and he likes to add the element joy.


March 26, 2025 9:00 - 14:20
€ 200
Joy of Life Breathwork
reizen en retreats